

What is Nutrition?
Nutrition is a behavior that should be done consciously in order to take the nutrients needed by the body in sufficient quantities and at appropriate times in order to protect and improve health and improve the quality of life.

Nutrition is not to suppress the feeling of hunger, to fill the stomach or to eat what you want. Malnutrition occurs when nutrients cannot be taken at the level the body needs .

Balanced diet?
It is a nutrition that meets all nutritional needs and includes nutrients from the Four Food Groups , including Vegetables and Fruits, Cereals, Meat-Eggs-Legumes and Milk and dairy products . A balanced diet is necessary and important for a healthy life. It is an effective tool in reducing the risk of contracting diseases.

Four Food Groups

Humans need about 50 nutrients for their life. A daily variable amount of each of these elements must be taken in order for a person to grow and develop healthy and to live a healthy and productive life for a long time.

When any of these elements are not taken, if they are taken more or less than necessary, growth and development are hindered and health deteriorates. If more food is consumed than necessary, some items that are taken too much will be harmful to health as they are stored as fat in the body. This condition is called Unbalanced Nutrition .

Balanced Nutrition and Unbalanced Nutrition Comparison Chart

Unbalanced Nutrition IndividualBalanced Nutrition Individual
Movements are slow and reluctant.Mobile and flexible.
Unhealthy overall appearance.Looks solid and healthy.
It has rough, dry and unhealthy skin.Has beautiful skin, lively and shiny hair and eyes.
Has a fat or weak body structure.Has strong and normally developed muscles.
Has an appetite, tired and reluctant structure.Has an energetic personality, willing to work.

“Minimum Risk, Maximum Health”
For maximum health;
Adequate and Balanced Nutrition
Regular Physical Activity
Smoking-Free Life
Avoiding Stress It
should not be forgotten that regular health checks are essential.